德國施密特(Hans Schmidt & Co GmbH)專注于卷材張力檢測和張力控制有超過60年歷史,是大張力測量儀表生產商。旗下產品有皮帶張力計BD-435適用于更大尺寸材料的張力檢測,例如電纜,電線和繩索。
6 Ranges
0.5 - 50.0 up to 0 - 1000 (g or cN)
The BD-435 Electronic Tension Meter measures running line tensions during the production of textiles, fibers, tows and tape type material. This convenient one-hand operated device incorporates built-in tension sensor, amplifier and display and is fitted with ceramic oxide coated thread guides. Three long, closely-spaced slender shafts with ceramic guides makes the BD 435 particularly suitable for brief, routine tension measurement - even in locations with limited access space.
Rollers can be supplied in "Horizontal" or "Vertical" orientation, refer to pdf download for additional details.