| 產(chǎn)品用途 | | Q8/UV深圳模擬油漆,涂料,橡膠,塑料耐紫外光老化試驗箱價格主要用于模擬對陽光、潮濕和溫度對材料的破壞作用;材料老化包括褪色、失光、強度降低、開裂、剝落、粉化和氧化等。紫外光老化試驗箱通過模擬陽光、冷凝、模仿自然潮濕,試樣在模擬的環(huán)境中試驗幾天或幾周的時間,可再現(xiàn)戶外可能幾個月或幾年發(fā)生的損壞。 Q8/UV 深圳模擬油漆,涂料,橡膠,塑料耐紫外光老化試驗箱價格中,紫外燈的熒光紫外等可以再現(xiàn)陽光的影響,冷凝和水噴淋系統(tǒng)可以再現(xiàn)雨水和露水的影響。整個的測試循環(huán)中,溫度都是可控的。典型的測試循環(huán)通常是高溫下的紫外光照射和相對濕度在100%的黑暗潮濕冷凝周期;典型應用在油漆涂料、汽車工業(yè)、塑膠制品、木制品、膠水等。 |  | 產(chǎn)品特點 | | 模擬陽光 陽光中的紫外線是造成大多數(shù)材料耐久性能破壞的主要因素。我們使用紫外燈來模擬陽光中的短波紫外部分,它產(chǎn)生很少的可見光或紅外光譜能量。我們可以根據(jù)不同的測試要求選擇不同波長的UV紫外燈,因為每種燈在總的紫外線輻照能量和波長都不一樣。通常,UV燈管可分為UVA和UVB兩種。 Q8/UV燈管 UVA-340燈管:UVA-340 燈管可*地模擬太陽光中的短波紫外光,即從365 納米到太陽光截止點 295 納米的波長范圍。 UVB-313燈管:UVB-313 燈管發(fā)出的短波紫外光比通常照射在地球表面的太陽紫外線強烈,從而可以zui大程度的加速材料老化。然而,該燈管可能會對某些材料造成不符合實際的破壞。UVB-313 燈管主要用于質(zhì)量控制和研究開發(fā),或?qū)δ秃蛐?的材料運行測試。www.hongzhangroup.com UVA-351燈管:模擬透過窗玻璃的陽光紫外光,它對于測試室內(nèi)材料的老化zui為有效。 潮濕冷凝環(huán)境 在很多戶外環(huán)境中,材料每天的潮濕時間可長達12小時。研究表明造成這種戶外潮濕的主要因素是露水,而不是雨水。Q8/UV通過*的冷凝功能來模擬戶外的潮濕侵蝕。在試驗過程中的冷凝循環(huán)中,測試室底部蓄水池中的水被加熱以產(chǎn)生熱蒸氣,并充滿整個測試室,熱蒸汽使測試室內(nèi)的相對濕度維持在100%,并保持一個相對高溫。試樣被固定在測試室的側(cè)壁,從而試樣的測試面曝露在測試室內(nèi)的環(huán)境空氣中。試樣向外的一面暴露在自然環(huán)境中具有冷卻效果,導致試樣內(nèi)外表面具備溫差,這一溫差的出現(xiàn)導致試樣在整個冷凝循環(huán)過程中,其測試面始終有冷凝生成的液態(tài)水。 由于戶外曝曬接觸潮濕的時間每天可以長達十幾小時,因此典型的冷凝循環(huán)一般持續(xù)幾個小時。Q8/UV提供兩種潮濕模擬方法。應用zui多的是冷凝方法,它是模擬戶外潮濕侵蝕的方法。所有的Q8/UV型號都可運行冷凝循環(huán)。因為有些應用條件也要求使用水噴淋以達到實際的效果,所以有些Q8/UV型號既可運行冷凝循環(huán)又可運行水噴淋循環(huán)。 溫度控制 在每個循環(huán)中,溫度都可控制在一個設定值。同時黑板溫度計可以監(jiān)控溫度。溫度的提高可以加速老化的進程,同時,溫度的控制對于測試的可再現(xiàn)性也是很重要的。 水噴淋系統(tǒng) 對于某些應用而言,水噴淋能更好地模擬zui終使用的環(huán)境條件。水噴淋在模擬由于溫度劇變和由于雨水沖刷所造成的熱沖擊或機械侵蝕是非常有效的。在某些實際應用條件下,例如陽光下,聚集的熱量由于突降的陣雨而迅速消散時,材料的溫度就會發(fā)生急劇變化,產(chǎn)生熱沖擊,這種熱沖擊對于許多材料而言是一種考驗。Q8/UV的水噴淋可以模擬熱沖擊和/或應力腐蝕。 噴淋系統(tǒng)有12個噴嘴,在測試室的每一邊各有6個;噴淋系統(tǒng)可運行幾分鐘然后關(guān)閉。這短時間的噴水可快速冷卻樣品,營造熱沖擊的條件。 照射強度控制:可選 選配照射強度控制選件可得到精確型和重復性好的測試結(jié)果;光強控制系統(tǒng)允許用戶根據(jù)不同的測試要求設置不同的光照強度。通過其反饋回路裝置精確控制照射強度;同時也可以延長熒光燈的使用壽命 |  | 控制系統(tǒng) | | | | * Q8-901 溫濕度控制器(韓國*) |  | 高分辨?彩色觸摸屏接口 |  | 交互式參數(shù)輸入方式 |  | 支持韓文,英文,中文 |  | 提供內(nèi)置SMPS的I/O RELAY BOARD-接線簡化和節(jié)省成本 |  | 同時支持干濕球方式及電子濕度傳感器 |  | 基于PC的方便監(jiān)控 |  | 方便設定多達33種的輸出(內(nèi)置計時器)方式 |  | 支持利用UDC300(選項)的USB存儲器-可代替記錄器 |  | 內(nèi)置基于*的PID算法的自動調(diào)諧功能 |  | 提供強有力的通訊環(huán)境和支持99臺多分支結(jié)構(gòu) |  | 的Fuzzy功能和ARW啟動-抑制超程 |  | 顯示PV曲線(0~8天) | | |  | 規(guī)范條件 | | Q8/UV測試方法 通用 |  | - ISO 4892-1 Plastics- Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources-Part 1: General Guidance
- ASTM G-151, Standard Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices that Use Laboratory Light Sources
- ASTM G-154, Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials
- British Standard BS 2782: Part 5, Method 540B (Methods of Exposure to Lab Light Sources)
- SAE J2020, Accelerated Exp. of Automotive Exterior Materials Using a Fluorescent UV/Condensation Apparatus
- JIS D 0205, Test Method of Weatherability for Automotive Parts (Japan)
- GB/T 16422.1,塑料實驗室光源暴露試驗方法 第1部分:總則
| | 涂料 |  | - ISO 11507, Paints & varnishes-Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering-Exposure to fluorescent UV and water
- ISO 20340, Paints & varnishes –Performance requirements for protective paint systems for offshore and
related structures - ASTM D-3794, Standard Guide for Testing Coil Coatings
- ASTM D-4587, Standard Practice for Light/Water Exposure of Paint
- US Government, FED-STD-141B
- US Govt., Federal Specification TT-E-489H, Enamel, Alkyd, Gloss, Low VOC Content
- US Govt., Federal Specification TT-E-527D, Enamel, Alkyd, Lusterless, Low VOC Content
- US Govt., Federal Specification TT-E-529G, Enamel, Alkyd, Semigloss, Low VOC Content
- US Govt., Federal Specification TT-P-19D Paint, Latex, Acrylic Emulsion, Ext. Wood & Masonry
- NACE Standard TM-01-84 Procedures for Screening Atmospheric Surfaced coatings www.hongzhangroup.com
- GM4367M Topcoat Materials - Exterior
- GM 9125P Laboratory Accelerated Exposure of Automotive Material
- Korean Standard M5982-1990, Test Method for Accelerated Weathering
- Spanish Std, UNE 104-281-88 Accelerated Testing of Paints and Adhesives with Fluorescent UV Lamps
- Israeli Standard No. 330, Steel Windows
- Israeli Standard No. 385, Plastic Windows
- Israeli Standard No. 935, Road Marking Paint
- Israeli Standard No. 1086, Aluminum Windows
- NISSAN M0007, Fluorescent UV/Condensation Test
- JIS K 5600-7-8, Testing Methods for Paints
- MS 133: Part F16, Methods of Test for Paints and Varnishes: Part F16: Exposure of Coatings to Artificial Weathering- Exposure to Fluorescent UV and Water (ISO 11507)
- NBR-15.380 Paints for buildings–Methods for performance evaluation of paints for non-industrial buildings – Resistance to UV irradiation/water vapor condensation, by accelerated test
- prEN 927-6 Paints & varnishes–Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood – Pt. 6: Exposure of wood coatings to artificial weathering using fluorescent UV and water
- GB/T 12967.4,鋁及鋁合金陽極氧化 著色陽極 氧化膜耐紫外光性能的測定
| | 紡織品 |  | - AATCC Test Method 186, Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure
- ACFFA Test Method for Colorfastness of Vinyl Coated Polyester Fabrics
| | 印刷油墨 | | - ASTM F1945, Lightfastness of Ink Jet Prints Exposed to Indoor Fluorescent Lighting www.hongzhangroup.com
| | | | • GB/T 16585,硫化橡膠人工氣候老化(熒光紫外燈)試驗方法 | | | | • GB/T 19394,光伏(PV)組件紫外試驗 | type the link here | 粘合劑和密封劑 |  | - ASTM C 1501, Standard Test Method For Color Stability of Building Construction Sealants as Determined byLaboratory Accelerated Weathering Procedures
- ASTM C-1184, Specification for Structural Silicone Sealants
- ASTM C-1442, Standard Practice for Conducting Tests on Sealants Using Artificial Weathering Apparatus
- ASTM D-904, Standard Practice for Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to Artificial Light
- ASTM D-5215, Standard Test Method for Instrumental Evaluation of Staining of Vinyl Flooring by Adhesives
- American Plywood Assn., Approval Procedures for Synthetic Patching Materials, Section 6
- Spanish Std, UNE 104-281-88 Accelerated Testing of Paints and Adhesives with Fluorescent UV Lamps
| | 塑料 |  | - ISO 4892 Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources-Part 3: Fluorescent UV Lamps
- DIN 53 384, Testing of plastics, Artificial Weathering and Exposure to Artificial Light
- Spanish Standard UNE 53.104 (Stability of Plastics Materials Exposed to Simulated Sunlight)
- Israeli Standard No. 385, Plastic Windows www.hongzhangroup.com
- JIS K 7350, Plastics - Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources-Part 3: Fluorescent UV Lamps
- ASTM D-1248, Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Extrusion Materials for Wire and Cable
- ASTM D-4329, Standard Practice for Light/Water Exposure of Plastics
- ASTM D-4674, Test Method for Accelerated Testing for Color Stability of Plastics Exposed to Indoor
Fluorescent Lighting and Window-Filtered Daylight - ASTM D-5208, Standard Practice for Exposure of Photodegradable Plastics
- ASTM D-6662, Standard Specification for Plastic Lumber Decking Boards
- ANSI C57.12.28 Specification for Accelerated Weathering of Padmounted Equipment Enclosure Integrity
- ANSI, A14.5 Specification for Accelerated Weathering of Portable Reinforced Plastic Ladders
- Edison Electrical Inst. Specification for Accelerated Weathering of Padmounted Equip. Enclosure Integrity
- Wisconsin Electric Power Specification for Polyethylene Signs
- GB/T 18950,橡膠和塑料軟管 靜態(tài)下耐紫外線性能測定
- GB/T 16422.3,塑料實驗室光源暴露試驗方法 第3部分:熒光紫外燈
| | 屋頂材料 |  | - ASTM D-4799, Test Method for Accelerated Weathering of Bituminous Roofing Materials
- ASTM D-4811, Standard Specification for Nonvulcanized Rubber Sheet Used as Roof Flashing
- ASTM D-3105, List of Test Methods for Elastomeric and Plastomeric Roofing & Waterproofing
- ASTM D-4434, Standard Specification for PVC Sheet Roofing
- ASTM D-5019, Standard Specification for Reinforced Non-Vulcanized Polymeric Sheet Used in Roofing Membrane
- ANSI/RMA IPR-1-1990 Req. for Non-Reinforced Black EPDM Sheet for Roofing Membrane
- ANSI/RMA IPR-2-1990 Req. for Fabric-Reinforced Black EPDM Sheet for Roofing Membrane
- ANSI/RMA IPR-5-1990 Req. for Non-Reinforced Non-Black EPDM Sheet for Roofing Membrane
- ANSI/RMA IPR-6-1990 Req. for Fabric-Reinforced Non-Black EPDM Sheet for Roofing Membrane
- British Standard BS 903: Part A54 Annex A & D, Methods of Testing Vulcanized Rubber
- CGSB-37.54-M, Canadian General Standards Board Spec. for PVC Roofing & Waterproofing Membrane
- DIN EN 534, Corrugated bitumen sheets
- EOTA TR 010, Exposure procedure for artificial weathering
- RMA Specification for Reinforced Non-Vulcanized Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Sheet for Roofing Membrane
| | 復合材料 |  | - Israeli Standard No. 385, Anodic Coatings on Aluminum
| | |  | 溫濕度控制能力范圍表 | | |  | 技術(shù)規(guī)格 | | 型號 Model | Q8/UV3 | Q8/UV2 | Q8/UV1 | UV 照射 Exposure | ● | ● | ● | 冷凝 Condensation | ● | ● | ● | 光照控制 Irradiancs Control | ● | ● | | 可調(diào)光線 Adjustable irradiance | ● | ● | | 噴水 Water Spray | ● | | | 熱沖擊 Thermal Shock | ● | | | 自動偵路 Self-diagnostics | ● | ● | ● | 燈泡數(shù)量 Lamp Q'ty | 紫外線燈管 8 支,備品 4 支 Ultravloiet lamp 6pcs, spares 4 pcs (美國Q-LAB,Q-Panel,美國ATLAS,UVA340,UVB313,UVC351) | 記錄器 Recorder | 選配 (Optional) | 輻射計 Q8-CR Calibration Radiometer | 選配 (Optional) 機器輻射強度: 1.0W/m2/340nm以內(nèi)可調(diào) 1.1W/m2/313nm以內(nèi)可調(diào) | UV 溫度 Temp | 50 ℃ -75 ℃ | 冷凝溫度 Condensation Temp | 40 ℃ -60 ℃ | 測試容量 Test Capacity | 48pcs 片/se spray( 75 x 150m m ) 50pcs片/basic ( 75 x 150m m ) | 水涼及耗量 Water | 蒸餾水每分鐘 蒸餾水每日 8 公升 | 體積 Dimension(W x D x H) | 137 x 53 x 136cm | 重量 Weight | 136kg | 電源 Power | 1 ψ , 120V/60Hz,16A or 230V/50Hz, 9A,1800W(max) | | : 羅靜 產(chǎn)品相關(guān)關(guān)鍵詞: 深圳紫外線老化試驗箱深圳紫外線老化測試箱深圳UV老化深圳紫外線老化試驗箱 深圳紫外線加速耐候試驗箱 深圳紫外線人工老化機 深圳紫外線耐候試驗機 紫外線老化試驗箱深圳 紫外線加速耐候試驗箱深圳紫外線人工老化機深圳 紫外線耐候試驗機深圳 紫外線老化試驗箱價格紫外線加速耐候試驗箱價格 紫外線人工老化機價格 紫外線耐候試驗機價格 ,油漆涂料輻照老化試驗箱深圳/加速老化箱 |