2GF140-230N鐵人泵-船用立式自吸泵————螺桿泵就找杜工,專注螺桿泵15年,省心高效.—, 3-Screw Pumps
Three screw pumps are the largest class of multiple screw pumps inservice today.
They are commonly used for
machinery lubrication
hydraulic elevators
fuel oil transport and burner service
powering hydraulic machinery
They are also used in refinery processes for high temperatureviscous products such as asphalt, vacuum tower bottoms and residualfuel oils.
Three screw pumps also find extensive use in crude oil pipelineservice as well as gathering, boosting and loading of barges andships. They are common in engine rooms on most of the world'scommercial marine vessels and many combat ships.
Flow rates are available from 1 to 3300 GPM (4 to 13,250 L/M) orfor operating pressures to 4500 PSIG (310 BAR).
Subject to material selection limitations, three screw pumps arealso used for polymer pumping in the manufacture of syntheticfibers such as nylon and lycra.
Designs are now available in sealless configurations such asmagnetic drives and canned arrangements. The magnetic drive screwpump is used extensively for pumping isocyanate, a plasticcomponent which is an extremely difficult fluid to seal usingconventional technology.
Pumps are also now available in sealless canned configurations.
Three screw pumps are renowned for their low noise levels, highreliability and long life. Three screw pumps are capable of waterinjection services (Tritec) as well as high pressure coolantservice for machine tools (Emtec).
Single Suction
Flow Range Maximum Pressure
Pump Series GPM L/M PSI BAR
3E?** 1-100 4-375 150 10
3G 1-55 4-208 250 17
3D * 5-400 20-1500 500 35
6D * 5-400 20-1500 1500 100
4SFC 2-15 9-55 1450 100
4VKC 22-248 82-937 1160 80
USNP/4PIC 8-250 30-950 1000 69
12D * 5-250 20-950 2200 150
4T 15-175 55-660 2000 140
6T/6U 15-175 55-660 3000 200
8L 250-900 950-3400 2GF140-230N鐵人泵-船用立式自吸泵————螺桿泵就找杜工,專注螺桿泵15年,省心高效.—,